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Open Source and Jewelbots

Sara Chipps

Sara Chipps photograph

Think about how much the code you write can help people all around the world. These ideas are just the beginning of opening a new world in technology.


About this talk


We all know how important it is to teach technical literacy to our youth, particularly to young girls. But their future is at risk, says Jewelbots Cofounder Sara Chipps. In 2018, just 18% of U.S. computer science graduates were girls1. This is the story of a friendship bracelet for the iPhone era, one that gets young girls like Ellie excited about coding.

1Partovi, Hadi. Hendrickson, Katie. “Women computer science graduates finally surpass record set 17 years ago, but percentages lag behind.”, 11 May 2020.

Sara Chipps headshot


Jewelbots Cofounder Sara Chipps makes the case that young girls are our most influential demographic, and she has some new ideas to get them excited about code. The Jewelbots friendship bracelet makes coding accessible and fun—aiming to inspire the world’s future engineers, mothers, doctors, and more.

Explore Jewelbots



Red Hat Summit 2018

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